Youth are an integral part of congregational life at Zion’s–on a regular basis, they help with worship leadership, share their gifts of song and voice, help with service projects, teach young and old alike, and bring joy to our life together.

In addition to being involved in worship life and age-appropriate Sunday School classes (6th-8th graders are typically in Confirmation class, and 9th-12th graders are in a Senior High class together), our youth learn, grow, and serve together in Youth Group. Led by Jim and Laurie, Youth Group is open to students in 7th-12th grade and includes regular “Youth Group meetings” with Bible study, sharing, and fellowship, as well as service opportunities, synod events, and trips. Check out our newsletter for the latest news on what our Youth Group is doing!
NEW THIS YEAR! Jim and Laurie will be leading a “Mini Youth Group” for students in 4th-6th grade. This group will meet on monthly on Wednesday nights from 6:45-7:30 PM and will includes lots of fun activities with “Sprinkles of Faith” throughout. This is a great opportunity for younger students to get to know one another and Jim and Laurie better, while experiencing Christian community, and building excitement for Youth Group in a few years!