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October 16, 2016 sermon
Gospel Text: Luke 18:1-8
1 Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart. 2 He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for people. 3 In that city there was a widow who kept coming to him and saying, “Grant me justice against my opponent.’ 4 For a while he refused; but later he said to himself, “Though I have no fear of God and no respect for anyone, 5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice, so that she may not wear me out by continually coming.’ ” 6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7 And will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? 8 I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them. And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”
Ministry with Youth at Zion’s
Youth are an integral part of congregational life at Zion’s–on a regular basis, they help with worship leadership, share their gifts of song and voice, help with service projects, teach young and old alike, and bring joy to our life together.
In addition to being involved in worship life and age-appropriate Sunday School classes (6th-8th graders are typically in Confirmation class, and 9th-12th graders are in a Senior High class together), our youth learn, grow, and serve together in Youth Group. Led by Jim and Laurie, Youth Group is open to students in 7th-12th grade and includes regular “Youth Group meetings” with Bible study, sharing, and fellowship, as well as service opportunities, synod events, and trips. Check out our newsletter for the latest news on what our Youth Group is doing!
NEW THIS YEAR! Jim and Laurie will be leading a “Mini Youth Group” for students in 4th-6th grade. This group will meet on monthly on Wednesday nights from 6:45-7:30 PM and will includes lots of fun activities with “Sprinkles of Faith” throughout. This is a great opportunity for younger students to get to know one another and Jim and Laurie better, while experiencing Christian community, and building excitement for Youth Group in a few years!
Adult Bible Study Opportunities
Wednesday night Bible study is led by Pastor Caitlin each week at 6:45 PM, after our Joyful Spirits worship service. This study lasts about 45 minutes and is a combination of lecture and conversation, with lots of laughter, exploration, and questions. We are currently studying the scripture texts for the upcoming Sunday, but also do topical studies from time to time. You are welcome to attend whether it’ll be your first Bible study ever, or your 101st!
Women’s Bible Study is held monthly, usually on a weekday evening in someone’s home. Check out our newsletter for date, time, and place!
Men’s Bible study is held monthly, usually on a Saturday morning, either at Zion’s, or a local restaurant. Sometimes, Bible study is followed by a service activity. Check out our newsletter for date, time, and place!
October 9, 2016 sermon
Ministry with Children at Zion’s
Here at Zion’s, we cherish children and
seek to support families in
raising children in faith. Our love of children and our hopes for them impacts our entire ministry, from our Sunday Morning Worship to our Preschool to our Youth Ministry.
We invite children of all ages, including infants, to the font for Baptism. By being baptized as infants, children can grow up knowing that they have been claimed by God. When we baptize infants, the parents make the promise that they will nurture their children in faith. We also as a congregation make the pledge to support the children and families in raising up the children in faith. These are big promises. First and foremost though, God makes a promise to be God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the child.
But again, parents and the congregation make a promise to raise the children in faith. So, here is what we do to help parents fulfill their obligations (and with joy see their children grow in faith, hope and love!).
Most importantly, we welcome children in worship on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. During Sunday morning worship, we offer “Busy Bags” to quietly engage young disciples, as their parents or caregivers listen to the sermon. There is also a children’s message each week; this is done once a month by the pastor, but otherwise various people in the congregation give the message. Our service follows a similar pattern each week, called the liturgy. The liturgy is interactive, giving children and their families a chance to participate in the worship; the pattern also helps make children feel comfortable in worship. If children are feeling particularly active one Sunday, or if your family prefers, there is also a staffed nursery available for infants, toddlers, and children aged 5 and under. Sunday morning worship lasts about an hour.
You can read more about Wednesday evening, “Joyful Spirits” worship here, but know that this service is extremely child-friendly, with lots of movement, singing, and participation. This service lasts about 30 minutes. After Joyful Spirits, children are welcome to participate in “King’s Kids” activities that reinforce the day’s Bible lesson.
Along the way, we also offer some faith stepping stones to meet each child where he/she is on their baptismal journey.
Pre-age 3 — King’s Kids play group that meets on Wednesday night
Age 3 — Children may begin attending Sunday School; Children may begin singing in the cherub choir; Children are also old enough to attend Vacation Bible School
1st grade – Children may recite the Lord’s Prayer in front of the congregation
2nd grade – Children may begin singing in the junior choir; Children may receive communion instruction and take first communion
3rd grade – Children may receive Bibles
4th grade – Children may begin serving as acolytes
6th grade – Children may receive the Small Catechism (a basic guide to Christian faith and practice, written by Martin Luther in 1526 and studied, memorized and learned in various forms and languages for nearly 500 years!) and begin Confirmation instruction
8th grade – Children may come forward, on Pentecost Sunday, and make public affirmation of their Baptism; The congregation confirms their faith.
We also do various seasonal projects with the children, including the beloved annual Christmas Pageant.
Also, their Sunday School offerings help local causes, teaching children at a young age how they are blessed to be a blessing!
Joyful Spirits
What is it?
Joyful Spirits is a worship service that intentionally welcomes all people, including those with special needs.
Can you still come if you are not “special needs”?
Yes! All are invited. The interactive format is particularly friendly to people of all ages and all disabilities, including autism. The idea is not to have a service for just people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our service, instead, offers welcoming and accessible environment to all people. Only a handful of the people at the service could be classified as “special needs.”
What does it look like?
It looks like the Kingdom of God; that is, people of all ages, shapes and sizes praising God! We follow a simple worship order that includes prayer, scripture and singing. Readings and prayers are done in a back-and-forth style. The music is guitar/camp-style, using familiar songs with a limited number of verses.
Why a separate service?
Zion’s already welcomes people with developmental and physical disabilities; we probably have three to four people on any given Sunday, including folks in wheelchairs. Everyone is still welcome on Sunday. However for some people “normal” church doesn’t work. Families often struggle and feel that their presence in church only interrupts other people’s worship experience. One could easily argue that the most unchurched group in America are people with disabilities and their families. Each of us know someone who no longer goes to church because they struggle to find an environment suitable for their family.
When is it?
The service is on Wednesday night, beginning at 6:15 and lasting until 6:45 PM. Families and members of the community are also invited to a supper, which starts at 5:30.
Why have it on a Wednesday night?
1/3 of all people who work have a Sunday commitment. While I wish no one had to work on Sundays, this is simply not the way the world works. The midweek service also offers a bit of rest and joy in the middle of the week for everyone.
Is this service connected with the national “Rejoicing Spirits” movement?
Rejoicing Spirits is an offical ministry run out of Saint Paul’s Lutheran church in Exton, PA. Zion’s Lutheran is in the process of establishing our relationship with the official ministry.
(Note: Zion’s tries to be sensitive to language regarding people who have disabilities. If you feel the language on this page is not helpful or even offensive, please contact the church.)
Zions October 2016 newsletter
Rally Day 2016
On September 11, we participated in God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday together with ELCA congregation across the nation. We packed 36 school kits for Lutheran World Relief, repaired “Welcome to Jonestown” signs on each side of town, and picked up trash in our community. Thanks to the many volunteers who shared their gifts to make this day possible, and to Thrivent for sponsoring these projects!
Helpers of all ages packed these school kits which will be sent to children around the world through our partnership with Lutheran World Relief.
Now we can welcome visitors in style!
Getting ready to pick up trash around town!
Service of Installation for Pastor Caitlin
Sunday, October 30 at 4 PM at Zion’s
“She has been called to be among us to baptize, to teach, and to forgive sins…She has been called to be among us to proclaim the good news…She has been called to be among us to preside at the Lord’s supper…”
Come, join us for a worship of installation as we officially install Pastor Caitlin as our Pastor! Rostered leaders are invited to vest and process. The color of the day is RED. A reception will follow in the Social Hall.