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Pastor Moritz’s sermon May 1, 2016

      1. 5.1.16 sermon

Pastor Rob’s final sermon 4.17.16

      1. 4.17.16 sermon

YSOP: Washington DC 2016

The youth traveled to Washington DC for a mini-mission trip through a program called YSOP.  After some sightseeing, we cooked and served a meal, open to people coming from the streets.  It was a powerful opportunity to serve other people, especially people in need.  Each table not only had food, but also board games.  As we played games and broke bread together, we got to know each other and realize we are all people!

The next morning we split into two teams to do service projects.  The one group headed to a furniture bank; the other to a senior citizen center.  Both groups were able to serve others — blessed to be a be blessing!

Sermon on April 10

      1. 4.10.16 sermon

For the confirmation of two youth, Pastor Rob preaches on how Jesus comes to ensure we know God’s love is “for you.”  Confirmation is a time when we say God’s love is “for me.”  But the “for me” turns back into a “for you” that we say to God.

So, what does it mean for us to live for God?  Pastor Rob then discusses why “doing what you love and loving what you do” is not the same as “loving your neighbor.”


NYC Mission Trip 2015

20150424_184643 20150425_111817On our mission trip to New York City, we had a meal with homeless people.  It was really meaningful to share a meal we had cooked with them.  We also played games.  The whole experience reminded us that we are all people!

The next day we split up into groups.  Some of us worked on a community garden.


Something worth doubting

      1. Doubting Thomas 2016

The claim that Jesus is Risen from the Dead is so amazing, so incredible, so life-changing that frankly, it is worth doubting.  In this sermon Pastor Rob reflects on the doubt of Thomas and on the doubt of you and me.  Is there evidence to believe in the resurrection?

He is Risen!

      1. 3.27.16 sermon

He is Risen!  On Easter we are ready for joyful celebration; yet we encounter scenes of grief and doubt.  Where is the good news?

What kind of church shall we be?

      1. 1.31.16 sermon

What kind of church shall we be?  Jesus today encounters two people in need of his powerful love.  In these encounters we find the blueprint of what kind of church we are called to be.