We provide 50% scholarships for one week of camp for everyone who wants to attend. We also encourage you to apply for Camperships through the Camping Corporation. If more scholarship money is needed, please speak with Pastor Caitlin and we will do what we can to help.
Sunday school and Confirmation classes are on break for the summer time. They will resume after Labor Day, on Sundays at 9:15 AM. There is a Sunday school class for ages 4 – 5th grade and a Confirmation class for grades 6-8. There are also opportunities for high school students, which vary from year to year.
We provide 50% scholarships for one week of camp for everyone who wants to attend. We also encourage you to apply for Camperships through the Camping Corporation. If more scholarship money is needed, please speak with Pastor Caitlin and we will do what we can to help.
Zion’s is committed to making sure everyone in our congregation can experience Lutheran church camp, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. We believe that summer camp is a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages to live in Christian community, to experience God’s presence in the great outdoors, and to be renewed in their faith. We believe that participation in outdoor camps helps to strengthen disciples for service and proclamation of the Gospel, and we are excited to offer camping opportunities through our partnership with the Lutheran Camping Corporation. Our congregation’s generous giving to our General Fund makes possible camping scholarships for all who are interested.
We are excited to once again partner with Jonestown United Methodist Church for Vacation Bible School! As you might imagine, this year’s VBS will look different than previous years due to COVID, but we trust that it will still be a meaningful and FUN experience for your children.
Teens and adults are welcome to volunteer–please see Pastor Caitlin or Monica Bortz. Any questions can be directed to Pastor Caitlin: pastorckurtz@gmail.com or 717 865 3652.
Click the link above for an incredible devotional put together by my colleagues. This invites you to “share, read, talk, pray, and bless” each day, with scripture appointed for each day, as well as a faith practice activity to try.
Our Youth Group are raising money to attend the National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis Minnesota next summer, and here’s one way you can help! (While also letting us help YOU!)
And, please, help spread the word by sharing this flyer and link with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, aunts and uncles! THANK YOU for your support!