Category Archives: GOOD NEWS from Zion’s


Here’s a video summary of the work God did in and through our congregation in 2022. We are blessed to be a part of God’s story in Jonestown and beyond, and we invite you to join us in proclaiming the Good News in love and service!

Click here for the video –> 2022 Year in Review

Capital Campaign Update

“[God’s] faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth, and it stands fast.” Psalm 119:90

September 14, 2021

Dear Members and Friends of Zion’s:

God’s grace and peace be with you! Last November, we officially launched the fundraising part of our “Renew, Restore, Remain” Capital Campaign. We are grateful for the contributions you immediately shared, and for the commitment you made to support the campaign over the next three years. Today, we have the privilege of sharing the wonderful news that we only have $9388 remaining on this loan! We had hoped to pay off the loan by November 2023 but now it looks like we’ll be able to beat that goal by months, or even years!

Since the Capital Campaign was approved at our January 2020 Congregational Meeting, we have completed all but one of the projects. We have installed a heating/cooling unit in the Pastor’s Office, replaced three A/C units in the sanctuary, and re-rubberized the Social Hall roof. We’ve encountered roadblocks in repainting and repairing the cracked molding in the sanctuary as two contractors who initially agreed to do the job were unable to do so. We are back to looking for a skilled painter for the high ceilings of the sanctuary…if you have any leads, please let Pastor Caitlin, Christine Techky, or Steve Morris know!

We have raised $66,612 of the total $76,000 (which also included the remaining $25,000 in debt from the 2012 Social Hall renovations) through individual contributions, Thrivent Choice dollars, Amazon Smiles money, and the support of the Koinonia class. Can you help us knock out the remaining $9388 by the end of the calendar year?? Perhaps you are in a position to fulfill your three-year commitment a little early. Maybe you missed the first opportunity to respond, but now would like to participate. Or, perhaps you’ve already given and are able to give again to help bring us across the finish line. Contributions of any amount are greatly appreciated, and can be made on Sundays, by mail, through PayPal, or through your Simply Giving account.

It’s been a heck of a year. Many of you haven’t even seen the inside of our building since COVID began, and yet remain committed to God’s work in this place. We are grateful for your support. We have learned, through this pandemic, that ministry can and does happen in a myriad of ways inside and outside of a physical building, and, yet, in our longing to be back together in this sacred space, we have also learned that there is great value in having a safe, comfortable, accessible place to gather. Thank you for your generosity that has brought us this far in our campaign, and for your generosity that will see us through to the end. I look forward to celebrating the fulfillment of this Capital Campaign with you, and to utilizing the fruits of these labors for many years to come.

In hope,


Pastor Caitlin Kurtz and the Capital Campaign Team (Ed Ludwig, Jack Beidler, Deb Reiner, Terry Ludwig, Linda Toth)