Over the past several months, our Council has been discerning a new statement of purpose and guiding principles that express how God is calling us to be and serve today, and in the years to come. We shared these with the congregation at our May All Church event and in the June/July newsletter. We will spend several weeks in the fall more fully fleshing out these calls, but, for now, it’s time to design a new logo and we need your help!
Logo designs, to be used on our letterhead, website, t-shirts, brochures, and around the building, should be submitted by July 28 to pastorckurtz@gmail.com, or placed in Pastor Caitlin’s mailbox. A brief explanation of your design should be included with your design.
Logos should be clear, concise, and colorful (but not too colorful as to make screen printing difficult). They should express who we are, what our purpose is, and the guiding principles that lead our work.
Who we are: A church with over 275 years of history offering help and community to people in Jonestown
Why we exist (Purpose): Gathered by God’s grace, we are empowered to serve and sent to share Christ’s love.
Guiding Principles:
- We relate to our community. We are based in Jonestown because we feel the activities we partake in here are valuable.
- We are grounded in faith practices that strengthen us and help us grow as disciples. We are willing to diversify what we offer to the community.
- We invite others to participate in God’s work in our world, however they can.
Thank you and good luck!