Click here for the isolation gown pattern –> Unisex Isolation Gown
If you have any questions about this project for Luther Care Senior Living in Lititz, please contact Pastor Caitlin.
Thank you!
Our mission statement declares “Gathered by God’s grace, we are empowered to serve and sent to share Christ’s love”. We live this out in a variety of service and outreach opportunities–some of which happen every year, and have happened for a long time, and some of which are one-time responses to specific needs. Checking out the “Good News” publications is a great way to learn more about the work God is doing in and through our congregation, as following us on Facebook “Zion’s Lutheran” or signing up for our weekly eblast.
Click here for the isolation gown pattern –> Unisex Isolation Gown
If you have any questions about this project for Luther Care Senior Living in Lititz, please contact Pastor Caitlin.
Thank you!
Our Youth Group are raising money to attend the National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis Minnesota next summer, and here’s one way you can help! (While also letting us help YOU!)
And, please, help spread the word by sharing this flyer and link with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, aunts and uncles! THANK YOU for your support!
Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jonestown
2020 Application for Church Camp Scholarship
Zion’s is committed to making sure everyone in our congregation is able to experience Lutheran church camp, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. We believe that summer camp is a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages to live in Christian community, to experience God’s presence in the great outdoors, and to be renewed in their faith. We believe that participation in outdoor camps helps to strengthen disciples for service and proclamation of the Gospel, and we are excited to offer camping opportunities through our partnership with the Lutheran Camping Corporation. Our congregation’s generous giving to our General Fund makes possible camping scholarships for all who are interested.
Please be aware of key scholarship details for 2020:
These are the steps for registering for camp:
It’s that time of year! Time to apply for monies from our Touching Tomorrow Endowment Fund. Applications are due to Jim Gill (he has a mailbox near the church offices) by December 1.
CLICK HERE to download –> 2019 endowment letter and application
Over the past several months, our Council has been discerning a new statement of purpose and guiding principles that express how God is calling us to be and serve today, and in the years to come. We shared these with the congregation at our May All Church event and in the June/July newsletter. We will spend several weeks in the fall more fully fleshing out these calls, but, for now, it’s time to design a new logo and we need your help!
Logo designs, to be used on our letterhead, website, t-shirts, brochures, and around the building, should be submitted by July 28 to, or placed in Pastor Caitlin’s mailbox. A brief explanation of your design should be included with your design.
Logos should be clear, concise, and colorful (but not too colorful as to make screen printing difficult). They should express who we are, what our purpose is, and the guiding principles that lead our work.
Who we are: A church with over 275 years of history offering help and community to people in Jonestown
Why we exist (Purpose): Gathered by God’s grace, we are empowered to serve and sent to share Christ’s love.
Guiding Principles:
Thank you and good luck!
We can’t wait for our third year of Day Camp! It’s sure to be a great week of games, songs, learning, crafts and science projects. Fill out this registration form today, and contact Pastor Caitlin if you have any questions. This event is made possible thru Zion’s Touching Tomorrow Endowment Fund. Additional scholarships are available as needed, just let Pastor Caitlin know.
The 2019 Lebanon Lutheran Mission Trip will happen LOCALLY June 16 to 22, 2019 and hopes YOU will participate! You can choose to stay overnight at Camp Kirchenwald, commute each day of the week, or only help on a day or two. Work will happen at Camp Kirchenwald and the Wittle Farm, Lebanon/Lancaster Habitat in Lebanon, Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), Business Improvement District (BID) in Lebanon, and Union Canal and Coleman Memorial Parks. Work will include home clean out, building and home repair/rebuild, roofing, painting, landscaping, garden work and much more.
There is a 50 dollar non- refundable commitment fee for adults 18 and over, and a 25 dollar nonrefundable commitment fee for youth 14 to 17. This commitment fee is the only cost for work-day -only volunteers and includes breakfast at Camp and the meal at the closing program, If you lodge at Schreiber Haus the total cost for commitment fee, lodging, and all meals is $300. If you have any questions, please see Pastor Caitlin
More information:
MISSION TRIP 2019 (general information)
MT 2019 Commitment Form (deadline: March 14)
Now is the time to register for summer camp at Camp Kirchenwald and Camp Nawakwa.
If you haven’t already received your camp brochure in the mail, you can download one here.
Through the Young Adults in Global Mission program, we sponsor a young woman named Hope who is spending a year walking alongside the people of Rwanda. Here is her latest newsletter.
What is the purpose of the “Touching Tomorrow” Endowment fund?
The Endowment Fund distributes money, in the form of grants, for mission and outreach beyond the normal church budget and usually, beyond the church walls. The aim of such grants is to “Touch Tomorrow,” allowing for present and future ministry.
Who oversees the Touching Tomorrow Fund?
A Touching Tomorrow Committee oversees the Fund. This committee meets annually to decide expenditures based on the financial performance of the account and the specific requests. These purchases are not approved by council, but council approves the members of the committee. The committee currently consists of Jim Gill (Chair), Terry Ludwig, Michelle Bucks, and Christine Techky. We need one more member on the committee—if you are interested in serving in this way, please see Jim Gill or Pastor Caitlin.
Where does the money come from in the Touching Tomorrow Fund?
The original money came from a large bequest to the church. Currently the fund has roughly $420,000 in principle investments, which includes the original gift, but also later gifts and interest added to principle. Each year grants come from the interest and dividends on the account. These have varied over time. The hope is that in the future, more people will consider giving money, either in honor of loved ones, or as part of their estate planning, to the Touching Tomorrow Fund.
How can I contribute to the Touching Tomorrow Fund?
Gifts of any size are greatly appreciated, and you may benefit from significant tax advantages. By using a combination of certain financial and insurance products, you can even leave a bigger inheritance to your loved ones while preserving your desired gift to the fund. For more information on this strategy, you may consult your estate attorney or talk with Jim Gill, Zion’s representative from Thrivent Financial.
What kind of things has the Touching Tomorrow Fund supported?
Between 2006 and 2017, the Fund distributed over $120,000 to various projects, including:
What kind of money is available for grants this year?
While the fund’s investments are conservative, fluctuations in the stock market means we will not know the exact amount of the distribution until closer to December 1. Last year we were able to distribute over $24,000; we hope this year for another generous distribution.
How can you make a request for a project?
Simple: Fill out this form and return by snail mail or email ( by Dec 1, 2018. The most successful applications tend to benefit educational ministries (scholarships, youth group, leadership training), local ministries (innovative congregational ministries, seed money, or emergency appeals), extended ministries (national, international, disaster-related), and charities with specific needs.
If you have any questions about applying for these monies, the purpose of our Touching Tomorrow Endowment Fund, or how to contribute to the endowment, please see any member of the Committee or Pastor Caitlin.