Category Archives: Youth

2025 Camp Scholarships

Zion’s loves sending kids to Lutheran summer camp! To learn about the camp offerings near us, visit The Lutheran Camping Corporation of Central Pennsylvania

We provide 50% scholarships for one week of camp for everyone who wants to attend. We also encourage you to apply for Camperships through the Camping Corporation. If more scholarship money is needed, please speak with Pastor Caitlin and we will do what we can to help.

zion camp scholarship 2025


Any questions, please see Pastor Caitlin.

Sunday School classes

Sunday school and Confirmation classes are on break for the summer time. They will resume after Labor Day, on Sundays at 9:15 AM. There is a Sunday school class for ages 4 – 5th grade and a Confirmation class for grades 6-8. There are also opportunities for high school students, which vary from year to year.

2024 Camp Scholarhips

Zion’s loves sending kids to Lutheran summer camp! To learn about the camp offerings near us, visit The Lutheran Camping Corporation of Central Pennsylvania

We provide 50% scholarships for one week of camp for everyone who wants to attend. We also encourage you to apply for Camperships through the Camping Corporation. If more scholarship money is needed, please speak with Pastor Caitlin and we will do what we can to help.

zion camp scholarship 2024

And here’s a link to the Campership Form through the Camping Corporation.

Any questions, please see Pastor Caitlin.

2020 Camp Scholarships

Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jonestown

2020 Application for Church Camp Scholarship


Zion’s is committed to making sure everyone in our congregation is able to experience Lutheran church camp, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. We believe that summer camp is a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages to live in Christian community, to experience God’s presence in the great outdoors, and to be renewed in their faith. We believe that participation in outdoor camps helps to strengthen disciples for service and proclamation of the Gospel, and we are excited to offer camping opportunities through our partnership with the Lutheran Camping Corporation. Our congregation’s generous giving to our General Fund makes possible camping scholarships for all who are interested.

Please be aware of key scholarship details for 2020:

  • Scholarship forms must be completed and returned to the Church Office by June 1, 2020, together with a copy of your camp registration form. Incomplete or late applications may not be considered.
  • Zion’s will provide a scholarship for one camping experience per child per summer. This helps ensure that everyone has an opportunity to go at least one time.
  • The baseline scholarship award will be:
    • $220 for a week of camp
    • $110 for a week of mini camp
    • $80 for a week of Day Camp at Nawakwa or Kirchenwald
  • Greater awards will be considered when families demonstrate financial need. Please speak with Pastor Caitlin if you need more financial assistance.
  • Zion’s camp scholarships are different from Camperships available through the Lutheran Camping Corporation. You are eligible to apply for LCC Camperships in addition to the money awarded by Zion’s.

These are the steps for registering for camp:

  • Complete the camp registration form, as found online ( or in the camp brochure.
    • In the ‘discounts’ section, be sure to mark “$20 – Camp Person attended meeting”. This will save you $20. If you need help calculating the other discounts, please speak with Pastor Caitlin. Note that another discount is available if you register and pay in full by April 4!
    • In the “my church is paying” section, write either $220, $110, or $80, as described above.
  • Make a copy of your registration form for Zion’s.
  • Mail your registration form, and deposit, directly to the Lutheran Camping Corporation.
  • Complete the form at the end of this document and turn it in, together with a copy of your registration form, to Pastor Caitlin. Once we have received this, we will send in our congregation’s portion of your payment. Don’t forget this step!

zion camp scholarship 2020

2019 Lebanon Lutheran Mission Trip

The 2019 Lebanon Lutheran Mission Trip will happen LOCALLY June 16 to 22, 2019 and hopes YOU will participate! You can choose to stay overnight at Camp Kirchenwald, commute each day of the week, or only help on a day or two. Work will happen at Camp Kirchenwald and the Wittle Farm, Lebanon/Lancaster Habitat in Lebanon, Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), Business Improvement District (BID) in Lebanon, and Union Canal and Coleman Memorial Parks.   Work will include home clean out, building and home repair/rebuild, roofing, painting, landscaping, garden work and much more.

There is a 50 dollar non- refundable commitment fee for adults 18 and over, and a 25 dollar nonrefundable commitment fee for youth 14 to 17.  This commitment fee is the only cost for work-day -only volunteers and includes breakfast at Camp and the meal at the closing program,   If you lodge at Schreiber Haus  the total cost for commitment fee, lodging, and all meals is $300. If you have any questions, please see Pastor Caitlin

More information:

MISSION TRIP 2019 (general information)

MT 2019 Commitment Form (deadline: March 14)



Ministry with Youth at Zion’s

Youth are an integral part of congregational life at Zion’s–on a regular basis, they help with worship leadership, share their gifts of song and voice, help with service projects, teach young and old alike, and bring joy to our life together.

The group heading to DC

In addition to being involved in worship life and age-appropriate Sunday School classes (6th-8th graders are typically in Confirmation class, and 9th-12th graders are in a Senior High class together), our youth learn, grow, and serve together in Youth Group. Led by Jim and Laurie, Youth Group is open to students in 7th-12th grade and includes regular “Youth Group meetings” with Bible study, sharing, and fellowship, as well as service opportunities, synod events, and trips. Check out our newsletter for the latest news on what our Youth Group is doing!

NEW THIS YEAR! Jim and Laurie will be leading a “Mini Youth Group” for students in 4th-6th grade. This group will meet on monthly on Wednesday nights from 6:45-7:30 PM and will includes lots of fun activities with “Sprinkles of Faith” throughout. This is a great opportunity for younger students to get to know one another and Jim and Laurie better, while experiencing Christian community, and building excitement for Youth Group in a few years!

YSOP: Washington DC 2016

The youth traveled to Washington DC for a mini-mission trip through a program called YSOP.  After some sightseeing, we cooked and served a meal, open to people coming from the streets.  It was a powerful opportunity to serve other people, especially people in need.  Each table not only had food, but also board games.  As we played games and broke bread together, we got to know each other and realize we are all people!

The next morning we split into two teams to do service projects.  The one group headed to a furniture bank; the other to a senior citizen center.  Both groups were able to serve others — blessed to be a be blessing!

NYC Mission Trip 2015

20150424_184643 20150425_111817On our mission trip to New York City, we had a meal with homeless people.  It was really meaningful to share a meal we had cooked with them.  We also played games.  The whole experience reminded us that we are all people!

The next day we split up into groups.  Some of us worked on a community garden.