Antinoos Statue
Freedom Declarations

The content on this website is maintained by Robert Myallis, pastor at Zion's Lutheran Church, of Jonestown, PA. 

The photos were taken by Emily Myallis, a diaconal minister in the ELCA who also serves at Zion's Lutheran.

This website and travel to Greece was made possible by a grant from the Fund for Theological Education, which provides grants to assist the education and formation of Christian  leaders from numerous denominations.

Bible quotes are taken from the New Revised Standard Version, unless cites otherwise.

The above photo of Greece comes from NASA; The icon of Saint Paul comes from George Mitrevski's website




Delphi, home to the famous oracle of Apollo at Delphi, attracted pilgrims from all around Greece and the Mediterranean. After various rituals and offerings, people would ask the oracle various questions such as: Will my next child be a boy or a girl? The oracle, high on oil fumes from below in the mountain, would spout ecstatic answers. The priests of Apollo would interpret her language, often riddles. For example, the answer to the previous question might be: Boy not Girl. Which, based on the evidence later, could be interpreted as "Boy, not Girl" or "Boy not, Girl."

Because the site had continuous worship for nearly a millennia, the site reveals much about Greco-Roman society and religious thinking.